
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Von Ryan's Express

This afternoon's movie is 1965's Von Ryan's Express with Frank Sinatra.  This movie was recommended to me by my father as I have had a recent love for WWII era movies.  I ended up rating this a 3 star, but it did border on a 2 star.  This may be a shorter blog this time, but lets look at acting, filming and script.

Let me mix this up a bit and combine acting and script first.  I was impressed with Frank Sinatra, and a few other of the cast members.  The script was very solid.  I was truly surprised by the ending of the film.  The entire cast seemed very in-tune with each other and it showed in the final product.  My favorite part of the movie had to be while they were escaping and Oriani acts as the head honcho in charge of the train.  He and the crew are able to fool everyone and they get through.  Some of the tense situations and quick thinking they had to do were very entertaining.

Filming was plus and minus.  I give them props for attempting to use the green screen technique, but compared to modern films it was obviously not the caliber. You could very easily identify the scenes where they were standing in front of a movie.  What I didn't understand is they had so many scenes on the train for real, why didn't they film the couple more instead of putting them in front of a movie?  Most of the rest of the film was amazing.  They had amazing uniforms, and realistic wear and tear on the actors and actresses.  My favorite was the train driver as he looked as if he was an actual train driver that had been driving the train for ever.  His acting was superb, his outfit and make up were incredible.

I was truly impressed with Frank Sinatra, and will be checking out more of his films.  If you are into war movies, 50's movies or the like it is worth it to check out this movie.  As always, leave comments, follow my blog up above, and share to your favorite social networking site below.  Ciao for now, and see you for the next review!

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