
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Demolition Man (1993)

An oldie on the view instant queue last night was 1993's Demolition Man with Sylvester Stallone, Wesley Snipes and Sandra Bullock.  A slew of other recognizable names and faces popped up throughout such as Dennis Leary and Rob Schneider.  Demolition Man is a film about a rouge cop chasing down one of the worst criminals of the 90's only to find them both cryogenically frozen and unthawed nearly 40 years later in a "crime less" future.

Surprisingly both Stallone and Snipes gave very good performances in this film.  Bullock was great as usual, I have come to expect nothing less from here, even in her earlier films.

In order to really critique this film I have to put myself back in a 90's mindset.  Compared to today's films about the future this film is not that great.  HOWEVER, this was not filmed today, it was filmed almost 20 years ago which puts a much different spin on things.

The concepts they had for the future were actually quite impressive.  Some of their limited means of showing them such as the TV's were off, but others were very well done.  They had handheld computers and futuristic cars that I could see movies using now days.  Outfits seemed appropriate and they even had different slang and actions that fit with the story.  The film had a very humorous prediction for the future than Arnold Schwarzenegger would be President of the United States.  Hmm, very close prediction!

While filming was good, sound quality was not.  Talking was quiet in some scenes and very loud in other scenes.  I was constantly adjusting the volume and it was always either too loud or too quiet.  A near film ruiner at the end was the "rap" song titled the same as the movie during the credits.  All I could take of the song was a few seconds and I had to turn off the movie.

There was only one aspect I felt was a bit exaggerated and that was the explosions.  Insanely huge explosions came from things that never should have blown up that big.  Good acting and a decent portrayal of the future get Demolition Man a 3 star review.  Short and sweet but there you have it.  Ciao for now and see you for the next review!

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