Hmmm, the first short enough movie on the view instant queue tonight was 2010's The Chosen One. Written, directed and lead character all by Rob Schneider. Why would Rob submit himself to this? This has to be the worst movie I have ever seen him in, and he has done some pretty bad performances.
Acting was horrible, filming was horrible, directing was horrible. Oh yeah, and the script was horrible. The concept of the movie was not bad, it was just executed very poorly. It felt as if Rob just needed some more money, so this was filmed and released. It felt rushed and unfinished. The only decent acting in the film was the Arhuaco tribe members. The only real reason for that is they didn't do much, and they didn't speak english so we couldn't really tell anyway.
Synopsis you ask? The synopsis is don't waste your time. I was able to finish the film, I mostly just wanted to see what would happen next. Since I was able to finish, The Chosen One receives a 1 star rating. Ciao for now and see you for the next review!
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