2010's Despicable Me is an animated movie full of funny little yellow creatures. Despicable Me jumps on the 3-D train that has been overloaded the past few years. Big names such as Steve Carell, Jason Segel, Russell Brand, Kristen Wiig and Will Arnett have Despicable Me hosting some very familiar voices.
Although the film is on the 3-D train, watching it in ho-hum old fashioned 2-D didn't seem to take anything away from it. There were a few points where you could tell it was made for 3-D but nothing actually pertinent to the film.
Voice over is what you would expect from a major motion picture with a 70 million dollar budget and huge names such as those I mentioned. I did not notice any flaws.
The animation was pretty cool. Nothing mind bending or technology pushing per-say, but fun none the less.
The story is the weakest link in the film. Well, it started out the weakest link. I was lost for a bit in the beginning as I felt the film failed to grasp my full attention at first. When the main character Gru adopts the 3 little girls and starts to build a relationship with them is where my attention really started to get grabbed. Oh sure, it is a bit predictable once you see how things build, but the ending was absolutely phenomenal. For a film that started out as weak as this did, I was extremely impressed with how strong it ended.
Ideas and concepts in the film were unique and one of the main strong points. Characters are original, actions are original, and some of the features such as houses and transportation are very cool.
Despicable Me is a fun animated film to watch, with a unique concept, script, and very interesting characters. Check out Despicable Me and enjoy an easy to watch animated comedy. I'm giving the film a 4 star rating, mostly because it did a 360 and saved it self at the end. Ciao for now and see you for the next review!
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