
Thursday, December 17, 2015

Her (2013) Movie Review

What an awfully depressing movie.  Unfortunately, I would not be surprised if this is what our future holds.  Joaquin Phoenix, Amy Adams and Scarlett Johansson highlight the fairly good cast of this under performing flick.  Chris Pratt and Olivia Wilde pop in for small parts.  Acting is decent across the board.

Her (2013) Poster

Before the spoilers below the break here is a synopsis if you would like to watch the film without knowing what happens.  Joaquin's character is depressed and decides to buy an AI operating system to keep him company.  The two fall in love with each other and a relationship develops throughout the movie.  There are some cute parts, some funny parts and some sad parts.  These parts were not strong enough to bring the entire movie up however.

**Spoiler alert below!**

Ok, so what's wrong with this movie?  Let's start general and get specific.  Generally speaking this movie is very slow.  It is boring, it does not hold attention.  Acting is not the problem here, it is subject matter.  More specifically the AI Joaquin's character falls in love with follows the ever-predicted pattern that experts think AI will follow if we ever decide to develop it.  The development happened so fast it is actually quite amazing.  In a very short period of time the AI goes from learning about surroundings to holding thousands of conversations at once, self upgrading and eventually joining up with other AI around the world and they all leave to nowhere.  The AI evolved and became self sufficient!  Oh what a surprise.  This boring film that did not hold my attention with a very predictable ending nets a 2 star rating.  Ciao for now and see you for the next review!

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